

Building Bold Paper Flowers 

 Hobbyist Level

Thursday, January 25th, 6:30 – 8:00

This class will be held at MUM, 37 N. Williams St, Crystal Lake, IL

In this class each student will be constructing a bold & over-sized open peony using heavyweight Italian crepe paper.  These bold blooms are so dramatic, that a single bloom can fill a tall vase.  Built from almost 100 individually hand-cut petals, these are the peonies of our dreams!

Students should bring a hot glue gun and a large stash of glue sticks, sharp scissors to be used on paper.

All classes must be paid in advance, no refunds or credits will be made later than 7 days before any class. Class is limited to 6 students.


Bookbinding: An Introduction to the Hard Bound Accordian Book

Hobbyist Level
Saturday, February. 3rd, Noon ‐ 2:00

This class will be held at MUM, 37 N. Williams St, Crystal Lake, IL

Few people are aware that I have a college degree in Book Arts.  My father was a restoration bookbinder and paper chemist, so studying bookbinding seemed quite familiar.  In this class, students will learn some of the foundations of bookbinding.  The accordian structure in a good starting point because it’s very a versatile format.

Students are encouraged to bring any sort of paper emphemera to enhance their creation.  This can be anything from pages of old books, imagery, dried leaves or flowers, or anything lightweight and flat.

Limit 5 students

Students may want to bring an X-acto knife or sharp scissors, and a clean ruler (18” is ideal) if available.

All classes must be paid in advance, no refunds or credits will be made later than 7 days before any class.


The Tulip Hedgerow

Hobbyist Level
Thursday, February 8th
, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30p.m.

This class will be held at MUM, 37 N. Williams St, Crystal Lake, IL

Tulips are the favorite flower of many of our clients.  We get requests for them 12 months of the year.  Early spring is the perfect time to use tulips, because of the many available varieties and the cool temperature that keeps them lasting longer.  In this class you’ll build a small tulip hedgerow design that will be the perfect fit for your kitchen table or windowsill.  In addition to tulips, we’ll use mosses, pussy willow, other branches and fillers; all designed in a low wooden box.

This style always reminds me of my first trip to the Flower markets in NYC in the mid-80’s.  They had long rows of wooden flats of tulips lined up down the sidewalk at 4:00 a.m. quickly being snatched up by some of the fanciest restranteurs and decorators.


Limit 6 students  Please bring a florist or paring knife in addition to some sturdy pruners.


Bookbinding: Introduction to the Hard Bound Signature Sewn Book

Hobbyist Level

Saturday, February 17th,  1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

This class will be held at MUM, 37 N. Williams St, Crystal Lake, IL

Learning how to build and design a hard cover signature book is the gateway to becoming a bookbinder.  It allows the maker and the reader to share/understand sequence and storytelling.  If you’re the sort of person that enjoys working in a detailed manner, you’ll love bookbinding.  It’s almost a Zen thing.

We’ll be using some nice quality paper for this project that will allow for and hold up to a variety of media.

Limit 6 students

Students should bring a ruler (18” is ideal) if available.

All classes must be paid in advance, no refunds will be made later than 7 days before any class.


Springtime Flemish Compote Design

Intermediate Level,

Saturday, February 24th ,  Noon – 2:00

This class will be held at MUM, 37 N. Williams St, Crystal Lake, IL


The ‘Flemish-Inspired’ style is back in a BIG way!  It’s a style I’ve been associated with for several decades.  It seems the rest of the world is just getting on board.  Spring flowers will be the focus of this design.  We’ll design with them in a manner that allows for their movement and grace.  Flemish designs are known for their diversity of flowers and foliage, as well as having depth, movement and texture.

If like myself, Spring is your favorite season of the year, than this style of design is tailor-made for you.  This design will be the sort of centerpiece design you see on the covers of gracious wedding magazines.

Limit 5 students

Students should bring a paring or pocket knife, a garden pruner and an apron if desired.

All classes must be paid in advance, no refunds will be made later than 7 days before any class.




Twisted Stem is a LGBTQ friendly florist
